Tuesday 11 September 2012

Some of the best times to ask Dua'

This review comes from Ayah. The book is called 'Some of the best times to ask dua' and it comes from the Learn About series by Umm Ilhaam.

The book is about duas, it teaches you the duas because you are going to need to make them in life. I like the part in the book that is about the crowing of a rooster, when you here its crow it has seen an angel so it is a good time to make dua. This reminded me of a time I saw a rooster crowing with my dad in Gambia and we both made dua.

I would read this book again because I really liked it and it really benefits me.

If you would like to read this book I would say you should get it!

Thank you for reading my review.

From ayah 8 years old

Eating and Drinking

This review comes from Aleigha. The book is called 'Eating and Drinking' and it comes from the Learn About series by Umm Ilhaam. 

The book is about eating and drinking, it tells you about what Allah gave to you and how you should be grateful for what Allah and then your parents give you. It teaches you that you should eat with your right hand and drink with 3 sips breathing in the middle (in between sips) and that you should not blow inside your food. 

I found it interesting to know that if you see food on the floor you should clean it and then eat it so you don't leave it for the shaytaan.

I enjoyed reading this book because you can learn from it when you make mistakes and its good to remind you about things you need to do when eating. I would YES read this book again I would like to read it every day and I think others would find it interesting reading for themselves. 

Thank you for reading my review. 

Aleigha 12 years old

Our Parents

This review comes from Sakeenah. This book is called 'Our parents; what they do for us' and it comes from the Learn About series by Umm Ilhaam

The book was about what our parents do for us, it said sometimes they spoil us and they look after us. You should always do what your parents tell you to do and Allah says you should listen to and be kind to your parents. I learned that I should make dua for my parent every day and ask Allah to have mercy on them because they brought me up when I was young. I liked the story MashaAllah I would like to read it again.

Thank you for reading my review

Sakeenah 6 years old

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Eight Enormous Elephants

This review comes from Laila. This book is called Eight Enormous Elephants and is written by Penny Dolan and Leo Broadley.

This book is about eight elephants who came through the door of a house and they squashed the sofa and they slid down the stairs. The boy in the story told them to go but they said ''No Way!", but then a mouse squeaked ''Hey!" and then he told them to clean the house and then when the house was as clean as they found it the eight elephants danced out the door. They danced away and they left no track but those enormous elephants might come back and the boy said "What do you think mum? What do you say? Can I keep the mouse that I found today?"...

My favourite part of this book is when the elephants would not leave and the mouse came and said "Hey!" because the elephants were scared of them. I thought that part was funny. I would read this book again in the future inshaaAllaah but maybe not so soon. 

Thank you for reading my review

Laila aged 7 

Monday 27 August 2012

I don't like Gloria

This review comes from Laila. The book is called I don't like Gloria and is written by Kaye Umansky and Margaret Chamberlain.

This book is about a cat named Gloria. She goes to live in a house where there is a dog named Colin. Colin does not like Gloria because she eats from his dish, she sleeps in his basket, and even worse she has taken over his garden. When Gloria ate from Colin's dish he growled at her and got told off. Then one day a big cardboard box arrived and Gloria and Colin both tried to look inside the box but they both got pushed back. They managed to see what was in the box, it was a fluffy rabbit named Jeffery. Now Colin and Gloria no longer got all the attention. They still didn't like each other but they agreed on one thing, that they REALLY didn't like Jeffery. 

I really like this book and I first read it a long time ago in our local library. I am very happy that I now have my own copy at home. 

My favourite part is when they both agreed on not liking Jeffery the rabbit. 

I will read this book again very soon as I really enjoy reading it. 

Thank you for reading my review.

Laila aged 7


This review comes from Aadam. The book is called Penguin and is written by Polly Dunbar.

Someone called Ben got a present and inside was a penguin. 

Ben asked the penguin to play but the penguin said nothing. Ben tried everything he could to get the penguin to play or even speak to him but no matter what he did the penguin said nothing. Ben tried doing a funny dance, launching penguin into outer space, blowing a raspberry at penguin but still penguin said nothing so Ben tried to feed penguin to a passing lion but the lion didn't want to eat penguin. Ben got upset and shouted SAY SOMETHING!!! and the lion ate Ben for being too noisy. Then penguin bit lion on the nose very hard and the lion spat Ben back out again. 

Ow! said the lion 

Wow! said Ben 

and penguin said........Everything!! 

I really liked this story and enjoyed reading it. I thought it was very funny. My favourite part was where Ben tried to feed penguin to a passing lion. 

I would like to read this book again. 

Thank you for reading my review. 

Aadam aged 9 

Sunday 5 August 2012

Zahra's Great Debate

This review comes from Aleigha and the book is called Zahra's Great Debate and is written by Sufiya Ahmed.

Zahras great debate was about her going back to school after she had been suspended and so was her friends.

Her friend said welcome back I missed you. When zahra came back to school there was an incident where some other girls locked zahras friends cousin in the freezer and zahra and her friends wanted to get revenge so they put spiders in the girls plate when they were in the cookery room making shepherds pie.

Zahra and her friends ended up being the ones who got into trouble for taking revenge. The girls all kept trying to get revenge until one day they decided to put a pot of paint on the top of a door so that when someone opened the door the paint would fall on them, but the trick went wrong because the paint ended up falling into someones eye and she was rushed to hospital and everyone got into trouble.

In the end Zahra and her friends said they will never take revenge again so that they don't make accidents happen and they all was friends again.

When I was reading the book I didn't think it was the right way for muslim sister to act in the way they were acting, I was happy in the end when they said they would all stop acting in a bad way to each other.

I found the book interesting to read because there was girls my age that saw they was doing something wrong and they started trying to do things in the correct way.

The book was a bit too long for me to read as I don't like to read long books but I think it would be a good book for other girls my age to read.

Thank you for reading my review.

Aleigha 12 years old

Wannabees and yum-worms

This review comes from Ayah. The book is called Wannabees and yum-worms and is written by Duncan Richardson.

The book was about a girl called Holly and it was her first day at school and her teacher asked her about her family and holly told her about yum-worms.

A few weeks later Holly brought yum-worms in her packed lunch box and her teacher saw the lunch box moving, holly opened the lid and her teacher came closer, Holly bit the tail off the yum worm and the teacher fainted. When she opened her eyes she thought she must be dreaming. She asked Holly some questions and Holly said her parents had been stolen by burglars, so the teacher went home with Holly that day, lots of strange things happened and in the end the teacher found her mum and dad tied up on 2 chairs and she set them free.

I thought holly was lying about the burglar stealing her parents but it turned out to be true.

I liked the book especially the part when Holly thought the sock-roaches where animals on her foot but they was really just her socks.

If you want to laugh then you should read this book because it was funny.

Thank you for reading my review.

Ayah aged 8

Number Jumble

This review comes from Sakeenah. The book is called Number jumble and is written by Wendy St. Germain.

The book was about numbers, there was a boy who was doing maths and he made a wish that there would be no more numbers.

A fairy came and made the numbers go away.

The numbers were fighting, and the zero got sad because he said that everyone always forgets about him. People were getting confused because they couldn’t go shopping because they couldn’t count their change. The zero went in the forest but then he went back because he missed his family. In the end the fairy made all the numbers come back because everyone new that numbers are important.

I thought this book was fun and I learned that everyone needs numbers.

Thank you for reading my book review.

From sakeenah and I am 6 years old

Thursday 5 July 2012

The Dyer's Dog

This review comes from Aleigha. The book is called 'The Dyer's Dog' and it is an E book written by Edith Nesbit. Here is Aleigha's review:

My book was about a dog called Bessie, she was purple at first then she started to dye her body different colours like blue, green and orange. Before, she was living in a bakery but then she moved.

Her father was in competition and her mother liked dressing up in different colours just like Bessie.

Bessie had a friend who came to see her every day and they talked about the weather and the colours of the other dogs in the street.

In the end Bessie got tired of talking about the colour of her clothes so she decided to stay in one dress all the time.

What I liked about this story is that Bessie always had on a different colour dress.

I don't think I would read this book again but I would recommend it to others.

Thank you for reading my review.

Aleigha aged 12

Zaynab and Zakariya

This review comes from Aadam. The book is called 'Zaynab and Zakariya learn to recycle' and is written by Fehmida Ibrahim Shah. Here is Aadam's review:

I have read this book before and I enjoy reading it. 

The book is about Zaynab and Zakariya. 

Zakariya was going to throw some paper in the bin but Zaynab who is his elder sister stopped him, telling him ''You can't throw that away" and then Zakariya said "Why ever not, its only old pieces of paper" then Zaynab taught her brother all about recycling. 

They made a compost bin out of all stuff they collected from around the house and they put in lots of things including old carrot and potato peels. Then their dad came home and they told him all about the recycling adventure they had that day. 

Zaynab and Zakariyas mum and dad were so pleased with them that they took them to a butterfly surgery and one landed on Zaynabs finger. They said it was an amazing planet that Allaah has Created. 

I will read this book again inshaaAllaah as I like it very much. 

Thank you for reading my review.

Aadam aged 9 

Aisha goes in search of colour

This review comes from Laila. The book is called 'Aisha goes in search of colour' and is written by Lisa Jane Dhar. Here is Laila's review:

I have read this book a few times before today and I think it is a great book about a place in Nectarland which is just North of Fiji. Bubblesville is the place where Aisha lives. 

Aisha is the most colourful butterfly EVER in bubblesville but she wasn't always that way. When Aisha was born she didn't have any colour at all. 

Aisha only got her colour after drinking nectar from a very special flower and after doing good deeds she got more and more colour until there was not a single scale without colour.

It is a very good book to read so you should read it too!

Thank you for reading my review.

Laila aged 7

Wednesday 4 July 2012

My Daddy

This review comes from Sakeenah. The book is called 'My Daddy' and is written by Nevile Astley and Mark Baker. Here is Sakeenah's review:

I read a book called My Daddy and it was about Peppa pigs daddy. The thing I liked about this book is when Peppa and George went swimming with their daddy and also when they went to the sea side they buried him in the sand. 

What I didn't like about this book is when Peppa's daddy done DIY jobs as I thought that was boring!

Thank you for reading my review.

Sakeenah aged 6

The Tiara Club

This review comes from Ayah. The book is called 'The Tiara Club at Emerald Castle' and is by Vivian French. Here is Ayah's review:

I read a book called The tiara club and it was about a princess called Amelia and she went to a castle called emerald castle.

The thing I liked about this book is when they went to a swimming lesson with queen Molly their teacher. But at the swimming lesson the teacher told them not to go beyond a rock and they disobeyed her, but when they got back to the school they had to go to the office and the teacher was happy with them in the end when they told the truth.

There wasn't anything I disliked about the book.

Thank you for reading my review.

Ayah aged 8

Sunday 1 July 2012

A Home For Fuzzy

This review comes from Laila. The book is called 'A Home For Fuzzy' and it is from the Eemaan Reading Series. Here is Laila's review:

I read a nice book called A home for Fuzzy. It is about three children who find a kitten under a bush and they take care of it. They take it to their garage to look after it. They decide to name the kitten Fuzzy.
Then it starts to rain and the garage roof leaks and they go to see if it was leaking above where they had kept Fuzzy, but before they got to Fuzzy their father came and asked them if they were looking for a fur ball that meows. Then when they got inside they saw Fuzzy curled up safely in the shoe box they had left him in.
They wanted to keep Fuzzy, but would their father and mother let them?

Well you have to read the book yourselves to find out what happened, I don't want to spoil the end for you.

This is a very good book to read and it teaches you to be kind to animals. So if you find a lost animal you should do the same and take good care of it.

I love this book so much and it is one of my favourite books.

I found a lost kitten in my garden yesterday and I done exactly what the book taught me and I looked after him until we found his mummy.

This book is aged for readers 7+

Thank you for reading my review.

Laila aged 7

Sleeping and Waking Up

This review comes from Aadam. The book is called Sleeping and Waking Up from the 'Learn About' series published by darulkitab, here is Aadam's review:

This book tells us how we should go to sleep and wake up. I like this book because I learnt a really good fact, which is Shaytaan ties three knots on our head and recites on each one for us to stay asleep, I think this is because he does not want us to wake up and pray. When we do wake up and remember Allaah the first knot comes undone, next when we make wudu the second knot comes undone, and last when we pray our salaah the third one comes undone. This is the main fact that I learnt from this book.

Also I learnt that Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu alayhi wasallam told children to go indoors at maghrib and they could come out one hour later. This is because the jinns/shaytaan are out at this time.

I think this book is very good for children to learn the ways we can protect ourselves from harm and evil.

I would say this book is good for children aged around 7 and above for them to be able to really understand it.

This book helps us to learn more about Islaam and I really enjoyed reading it.

Thank you for reading my review.

Aadam aged 9